InnoTab V.Reader Storage Tote review

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List Price: $14.99 Price: $13.99 You Save: $1.00 (7%)
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This durable storage tote keeps all your VTech V.Reader/InnoTab necessities in one place. This case allows your child to take their favorite learning toy on car trips, to a friend's house, or even to the library. From the Manufacturer This durable storage tote keeps all your VTech V.Reader/InnoTab necessities in one place. This case allows your child to take their favorite learning toy on car trips, to a friend's house, or even to the library. Product Description This durable VTech V.Reader/InnoTab storage tote is sleek, trendy-looking and brightly colored to appeal to both kid sensibilities and big-kid aspirations. This durable storage tote keeps all your VTech V.Reader/InnoTab necessities in one place! This case allows your child to take their favorite learning toy on car trips, to a friend's house, or even to the library.